Assistance of self-management

of psychological disorders through interactive technology



During this project concepts and systems for new medical technology that utilizes sensors and actuators distributed over the user's body which collect information and give feedback are being developed. The sensors are integrated into clothes, jewelry or shoes and measure vital parameters and movements. Distributed and networked actuators note a slowly rising need for physical activity and give recommendations for therapeutic exercises in an unobtrusive and non-stigmatizing way. This requires miniaturization, wireless networking and power supply.

The data collected by the sensors worn on the body is analazyed "on the body" to be able to give immediate feedback. Additionally, the data is saved on a platform to be compared with other relevant data from different sources and to be used for long-term evaluation and aggregation. This data can be used for individual visualization but can also be anonymized and utilized by medical personell to gain a better understanding of behavioral disorders and therapy.

Our incentive

Psychological disorders result in a high level of suffering and reduced quality of life for the affected. A multimodal therapeutic approach promises the highest chances of success during treatment. Self-management is an important tool to deal with an illness on a day-to-day basis.

What we achieve


Wearable sensors can detect relevant factors of the disorder in real-time and identify behavioral patterns that are important for the self-management of disorders like ADHD.


Therapeutic hints can motivate to do activities or exercises in the current situation but can also be used in a coaching with therapists and support self-control.

Improvement of therapy

The patient can control the availability of the tracked data and self-evaluations to improve the quality of care. This enables correlating successes in therapy with measurable data.


Dependent on the patient's agreement, the collection of data enables professionals to create overarching anonymized analyses and in this way aquire a better understanding of the illness.

Our goals

Improvement of self-management

Patients receive a visualization of their current state with regard to their individual disorder on their smartphone or smartwatch.

Give feedback

Patients have the option to create a report of the data collected by the app (for example as a PDF document) and provide it to their doctor or therapist.

Patient autonomy

The collected data is exclusively provided to the patient. Patients decide themselves who they give the data to and for which purpose.

Differential therapy indication

The project enables a more precise sub-typing of the disorder based on objective behavioral parameters. This opens up more precise and indivudal therapy plans than before.


Ascora GmbH

Ascora GmbH is an SME based in northern Germany. Ascora is developing and selling software as an Independent Software Vendor with products that are used around the world. Ascora is one of the leading providers of software apps in Germany...

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Ascora GmbH
Birkenallee 43,
27777 Ganderkesee